The Secret Universal Mind Meditation CD

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Through nightly listening and brainwave entrainment technology, your subconscious will accept the information it receives as true. When this happens, what you need and desire comes to you. And there's nothing you need to do except relax and listen.

  • Increase your attracting force
  • Accelerate manifestation
  • Attract what you need and desire
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The Secret Universal Mind Meditation CD

The Secret Universal Mind Meditation CD

The Secret imparts the sacred truths spiritual masters have taught for millennia

The Secret is real and powerful. It starts by changing your belief system, slowly, subtly and gently while you sleep. As you are lulled into blissful slumber by music enhanced with Delta binaural beats, The Secret is whispered into your ears--first audibly, and then just below the level of consciousness.

Over days and weeks to come, your conscious and your subconscious mind will accept The Secret as true. Without knowing how or why, everything you need and desire will come to you through communing with the Universal Mind.

Over the last half century, science is proving the existence of the Universal Mind, and now the Secret is yours to use. When you know and accept the Secret, you have the secret to everything: unlimited health, abundance, success and joy.

Through nightly listening and brainwave entrainment technology, your subconscious will accept the information it receives as true. When this happens, what you need and desire comes to you. And there's nothing you need to do except relax and listen. If you fall asleep while listening, that's even better; the messages are still absorbed into your subconscious. The results are profound.

  • Increase your attracting force
  • Accelerate manifestation
  • Attract what you need and desire

Manufacturer's Specifications

Artist Kelly Howell
Format CD
Length 61 minutes
Track 1 Introduction & Instructions
Track 2 Guided Meditation, Music and Delta Waves
Manufacturer Brain Sync

How to Order - More Information

Sleep Solutions is registered as a provider with the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

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Gives me an inner peace.
Wouldnt hesitant giving this tape a positive review (Posted on )
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