Soothing Rain: Nature Sounds for Sleep CD

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David and Steve Gordon's Deep Sleep Systems created hour of hypnotically tranquil rain sound by choosing the most relaxing rain sounds from their library of exclusive high quality nature sounds that they have recorded for many years

Soothing Rain: Nature Sounds for Sleep

Deep Sleep Systems

Have you ever noticed how comforting the soothing sounds of rain can be? The gentle sound of soft steady rain has a calming effect on the body and mind. If you have trouble sleeping sometimes, this serene recording of rain sounds can help. Start listening to these relaxing sleep sounds next time you have insomnia and you'll soon find that you are feeling relaxed and sleepy and before long you'll be fast asleep. David and Steve Gordon's Deep Sleep Systems created hour of hypnotically tranquil rain sound by choosing the most relaxing rain sounds from their library of exclusive high quality nature sounds that they have recorded for many years. The rain sounds are soft and serene throughout which makes it easy to fall asleep. In addition, the sounds of rain are what sound engineers call "white noise." White noise is when the sound is distributed equally at all frequencies. This means that rain sounds are very effective at masking background noise that makes them great for sleeping in hotel rooms that are not very quiet. It's a good idea to have relaxing sounds for sleep like this on hand for when you can't sleep. They are not unhealthy like sleeping pills yet very effective and can make going to sleep enjoyable again.

Sound Sample

Soothing Rainfall - relaxing rain nature sounds - no thunder

Customer Comments

These comments are from the MP3 Download version of the album:

This CD saved my life. It really did.
I have battled Lung Cancer with brain mets Stage IV for over 15 years. After Whole Brain Radiation everything drives me crazy. Noise being one of the big triggers. They guy across the street has over 200 bird houses. So every spring it begins around 4 in the morning the constant tweet of the birds. Now I just play this CD before going to bed and have it on repeat. What a blessing. It not only knocks back the bird noise but all the noise of the street. So great no nature sounds ( birds or thunder ) just soothing Rain. I have a banged up brain from the WBR and I have many CD's from Sequoia, a lot of Buddha lounge stuff. It is great to help calm my mind. A big thanks to David and Steve. A grateful customer. How I love the rain! "Beauty will save the world". Bobby M — Bobby M Vancouver Isand, BC, CA

ahh so sleepy
Wow, this really works it is so soothing and gentle, like dancing in the rain. I had the best dreams. I showed my family and they relaxed like never before. — Alice W. MD,

This has worked wonderfully for me.
If ever there was a time that I needed to make the sleep time I had count its now. I have several new ventures brewing and the crunch is upon me. I recommend this album for people looking to fall asleep fast and sleeping soundly. — Kinny Miano White Plains, CT , usa

Thank you Gina!!
A friend of mine recommended this and I have been thanking her ever since. And sleeping well since too! — Taylor Schmidt Austin, TX, USA

Creates a serene morning too...
I have listened to two of the Deep Sleep system albums, Rain Sounds and Ocean Waves and I love them both. My sleep is deeper, more restful and I wake feeling actually refreshed! While this is wonderful, my favorite though is waking to this in the early morning especially on weekends. There is something extremely calming to me about rain. All is being nourished and cleansed. Thank you for producing such a wonderful album, I'll be listening for a very long time. — Mike Howser Ft Lauderdale, FL, USA

Taking this to CA with me
I'm getting ready to do some traveling for the next month and I absolutely will not be leaving this at home. Soothing Rain Sounds is beautiful and peaceful and creates a feeling of calm for me that I won't travel without!! — Kari Bard Stockton, CA,

Manufacturer's Specifications

Artist Deep Sleep Systems
Format CD
Length 60:10 minutes
No. of Tracks 1
Manufacturer Sequoia Records

How to Order - More Information

Sleep Solutions is registered as a provider with the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

Customer Reviews
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Review by Verified Review
Very soothing
Just listening to the sounds of the rain falling in the forest is just magical and so relaxing. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
This CD works it helps me sleep.
Every time i play this CD i would be sound a sleep within 5 minutes or less. Amazing very happy with my purchase. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Magical rain
Rain is the most amazing sound especially when you hear it tucked up in bed.
For months I have been having so much trouble getting to sleep at night. It was causing me so much anxiety and worry and unwanted stress.
I didn't want to result to sleeping tablets.
I turned to this CD for comfort. It worked a treat. The soothing sounds of rain help me sleep throughout the entire night.
I am so grateful to have this to listen to every night. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Soothing Rain CD
Very relaxing cd to unwind after long tiring days work or weekends to relax (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Very relaxing
Very relaxing..lulls me to sleep (Posted on )
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