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Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy is a simple and effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and snoring. You can rest assured that your partner is taking care of their obstructive sleep apnea, as well as helping you both get a peaceful night's sleep.
Provent is powered by your own breath, which creates Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure (EPAP) to maintain an open airway and enable natural breathing.
As you breathe in, Provent's proprietary MicroValves open so inhalation feels normal and is nearly unobstructed. As you breathe out Provent's MicroValves close, restricting airflow and creating resistance, or EPAP.
It uses a proprietary MicroValve design that creates pressure when you exhale to keep your airway open. Provent is small and disposable, making it discreet and very convenient.
It is an effective, prescription treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This discreet, disposable device is applied to the nostrils nightly and requires no mask or machine.
These figures speak to the effectiveness of Provent, a system that is the result of many years of research, development and testing.
Provent Therapy uses the power of your own breathing to hold the airway open and enable natural airflow.
In clinical studies, Provent Therapy demonstrated significant levels of improvement across all levels of OSA.
As an alternative to CPAP, it’s small and disposable, making it discreet and very convenient.
Small, discreet and disposable Provent patches are convenient for use nightly at home and while traveling.
Provent is proudly made in the USA and is available directly to veterans through the VA Medical System.
Comfortable and breathable Provent patches are easy to apply and contain no natural rubber Latex.
Provent patches are applied directly to the nostrils, each night before bed. It’s as simple as that. You require no specialist equipment or technique beyond a steady hand.
Once applied they will last the night regardless of your sleeping style. They are designed to be sweat and heat resistant, staying firmly in place even during the warmest of summer evenings.
The application and instruction guides (PDFs) below will walk you through how to apply the Provent patches correctly and provide you tips to adjust to wearing it.
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