Protect A Bed Cotton Terry Bassinet Mattress Protector with Elastic Straps

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  • Terry towelling is best for spills and bed wetting
  • Provides a firm and dense feel to your cotton mattress protector
  • Easy-fit elastic strap holds the mattress protector safely in place
  • Machine washable and tumble dry
  • Standard Bassinet Size: 56 x 40.5 cm
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Protect A Bed Cotton Terry Bassinet Mattress Protector with Elastic Straps

Soft and Absorbent Cotton Terry Towelling Sleep Surface

Best for moderate accidents and spills, these Cotton Terry Bassinet Mattress Protectors feature an absorbent cotton terry towelling sleep surface. Protecting your babies cot from spills and stains, and from the allergens caused by dust mites, mould and bacteria. Ensuring a healthier night's sleep.

Approved by the National Asthma Council Australia's Sensitive Choice Program. SIDS and Kids Friendly


Cotton Terry Material - Terry towelling is best for spills and bed wetting, available in absorbent, and super absorbent. Providing a firm and dense feel, cotton mattress protectors are a popular choice.

Miracle Layer® - Protects the mattress against bed wetting accidents, and everyday spills and stains. Also protects your baby from dust mite, mould and bacteria allergens that maybe present in the mattress.

Elastic Straps - Easy-fit elastic strap holds the mattress protector safely in place

Hypoallergenic - Cotton is hypoallergenic, as it is a natural fibre

Machine Washable - Easy to remove for regular machine washing and drying with other linens

Guaranteed - 2 year guarantee against fabric & manufacturing defects

Size Guide

Standard 56 x 40.5 cm

About Protect-A-Bed

Protect-A-Bed is a proud Australian company, offering the number one brand of mattress protector in the world with partners and distributors in 46 countries. Protect-A-Bed develops its industry-leading products through scientific research and work with top entomologists to ensure exceptional quality, backed with the most extensive warranties in the business.

Manufacturer's Specifications

Mattress Size Standard Bassinet
Cover Soft and Absorbent Cotton Terry Towelling Sleep Surface
Sizes Standard Bassinet 56 x 40.5 cm
Manufacturer Protect-A-Bed

How to Order - More Information

Sleep Solutions is registered as a provider with the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

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