PottyMD Wet Stop 3 Wearable Bedwetting Alarm Solution

From: $69.95
RRP $89.95

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  • Easy solution to help your child become dry
  • Magnetic attachment that clips onto pajamas - comfortable and convenient
  • Ability to wake deep sleepers with vibration and sound settings
  • For many it provides a solution to bedwetting within 6 months
  • The Wetstop3 is the best selling enuresis/ bed wetting alarm in the world

pottymd logoPotty MD Wet Stop 3 Wearable Bedwetting Alarm Solution

A Solution for Bedwetting

Bedwetting can be stressful for both the child and parents. The Wet-Stop3 offers an easy solution that has been proven to help correct bedwetting in a short period of time by gradually teaching the child to wake up when they feel the urge to urinate.

  • Over 400,000 sold since 1979
  • Wet-Stop3 is the best-selling enuresis/ bed wetting alarm in the world

Designed by a paediatric urologist, the Wet-Stop3 allows parents to track and reward their child’s progress for greater success.


The Wet-Stop3 offers:

  • Easy-to-operate settings developed by a paediatric urologist
  • No sewing or pins needed thanks to the new magnetic attachment that’s comfortable and convenient
  • Child won’t become accustomed to the same sound as Wet-Stop3 has 5 distinctive alarm sounds
  • See when the alarm has been activated with the flashing LED light
  • Track and reward your child’s progress for greater success using the included chart and stickers
  • Ability to wake deep sleepers with vibration and sound settings
  • Short-term use as many stop requiring the Wet-Stop within just 6 months

Bedwetting causes:

  • Inability to wake up when the bladder is full;
  • Overactive bladder;
  • Kidneys that produce large amounts of urine at night

How a bedwetting alarm helps

Bedwetting alarms condition a child to become of aware of the sensation of a full bladder. They do this by waking them when they wet the bed. Over time, the child begins to wake when he/she feels the urge to urinate, anticipating the alarm sounding.
Bedwetting alarms have been proven more effective in the correction of bedwetting than any other method or treatment.

"The bedwetting alarm is the most successful tool one can use to overcome bedwetting, and the new Wet-Stop3 should be a leader in its field. The device is easy to use, goes off when its supposed to, and makes it hard for children to shut off the alarm and inadvertently go back to sleep. I highly recommend this product for children who want to become dry at night."

Howard J Bennett, M.D
Author of Waking Up Dry: A guide to Help Children Overcome Bedwetting 

How to use:

  • Inside the battery compartment, move the alarm/vibrate switch to V=vibrate only; A=alarm only; or VA=vibrate and alarm;
  • Insert 2 AAA batteries (not included) into the battery compartment and close. The button on the side will flash when batteries are inserted correctly;
  • Attach the alarm unit to the pyjama top using the magnetic strap and put the sensor cord under the pyjama or nightgown from the collar and out at the hem;
  • Clip the sensor to the underwear close to where the urine comes out of the body and gently tug to ensure it is securely fastened.

To turn off the alarm, the child can push the white “off” button for 3-4 seconds and disconnecting the sensor cord. Wiping the sensor dry with a cloth or tissue after holding down the button will also turn it off. The two-step process to turn off the alarm makes it more difficult for the child to turn it off without completely waking up.

 pottymd wetstop attachment


Key tips to help (basic advice for general alarm use)

  • Do not hold the alarm within 5 cm of the ear
  • Remind your child each night to stop urinating when they notice the alarm
  • After an accident, have your child change into dry underwear and reattach the clean and dry sensor
  • Change the sheets or place a dry pad or towel over the wet stop to keep the underwear dry after an accident
  • Use 2 AAA batteries (Energizer or Duracell, non-rechargeable batteries)

Bambi Sheet Protector

Save yourself work

Rather than changing sheets late at night, sheet protectors protect sheets from getting wet and allow you to quickly change the wet protector out, without having to remake the bed.

Bambi Sheet Protector


Great Idea

great idea lightbulb for insert

What is included:

  • Sensor
  • Alarm
  • Replaceable sensor cord
  • Calendar with stickers
  • ‘The Complete Bedwetting Book’ CD

Manufacturer's Specifications

Sensor Wearable
Alarm Method Flashing LED, Vibration and/or Alarm
Manufacturer's Warranty 1 Year

How to Order - More Information

Sleep Solutions is registered as a provider with the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

Customer Reviews
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Review by Verified Review
A bit uncomfortable to wear
It's easy to use, but uncomfortable to sleep with. My child is a rough sleeper so it came off during the night. We have had 4 dry nights in a row without the alarm going off. And one wet night where the alarm didn't go off at all. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Mixed view
My seven year old has always wet the bed. We have been waiting months to see a specialist so we are pretty desperate. It has been a week now and we have had on three occasions a wet bed with no alarm going off. You seem to have to be quite precise wear you place the clip. It has worked well twice with him getting up and sorting himself out. I never heard the alarm and we have had three dry nights. These type of alarms can be uncomfortable and do move around but are cost effective against a mat system. I am feeling positive and its early days, fingers crossed. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
It depends which way they sleep!
Not overly impressed with this product. I was secretly wishing it would solve all our problems however sometimes the alarm doesn't go off until it's way too late ( especially if my child is sleeping on her back). The alarm doesn't wake her sometimes, and yes sometimes it does go off for no reason. I think I may need to invest in a better quality solution. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Potty MD3 Wet Stop Alarm
Terrific! My nearly 7 year old son has been wearing it for three weeks now and we have only had two partially wet beds right at the very start but the alarm woke him to go to the toilet to finish. Since then the alarm has woken him up maybe half a dozen times to go to the toilet so he was a little damp that is all! The rest of the time he has woken up himself to go toilet without the alarm and that is in the morning! The Alarm is working extremely well. Wish I had of found this product months ago. He is extremely proud of his progress as I am. Thank you! (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
It's now been a month since it arrived. The first week I got my son to sleep in my room just so i could make sure he did turn off the alarm properly and go to the toilet, and not just back to sleep. I haven't had any wet sheets since the day it arrived, then had a couple of weeks that it would go off at night. But he did turn off the alarm himself and get up for the toilet. Now he actually wakes up if he needs to go. But mostly sleeps through the night. I really wish I'd got one of these a couple of years ago. So long as the kid is old enough to work the button and clip then get one. Don't wait thinking they will grow out of it. (Posted on )
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