PottyMD Wet Stop 3+ Bedwetting Alarm

From: $139.95
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  • 6 different sound alarms and vibrations
  • Comfortable and Convenient - Clips onto pajamas with a magnetic attachment
  • Has the ability to wake deep sleepers with sound and vibration
  • Coach and help motivate your child - Use the included calendar with reward stars
  • New sensors that will only sense moisture on 1 side to prevent the false alarms

Wet-Stop 3+ Bedwetting Alarm

Wet-Stop 3+ is convenient as well as effective. The Wet-Stop 3+ reacts immediately to the first few drops of moisture, teaching the child to stop the flow of urine before the bed becomes wet. During this learning process, dry underpants will be needed but the family will be spared the bother of remaking the entire bed. In less than six months, many children will no longer require use of the Wet-Stop 3+.

How To For Success with Wet Stop 3+

How to use Wet Stop 3+

  1. To use the Wet-Stop 3, please insert 2 AAA batteries.BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED.(Energizer or Duracell, non-rechargeable batteries)
  2. Fasten the alarm portion to the pajama top or shirt using the clip-on fastener.
  3. Run the cord under the pajama top or shirt.
  4. Attach the clip on the sensor to the front of the underwear and give it a little tug. This will assure that it is secure to the front of the underwear. For boys, it is best to position the sensor inside the front pocket of the underwear. Be sure that the sensor does not touch the skin, as it is sensitive to sweat.


  1. Make sure batteries are good by pressing button to see if LED flashes
  2. Place sensor in the “target zone”
  3. Help wake your child if he or she does not wake with alarm
  4. Read our book by a Pediatric Urologist to get the best results

Premium Quality

Wet-Stop3+ is the highest quality, lowest cost bedwetting solution in the world. Alarm comes with free downloadable "The Complete Bedwetting Book", reward chart, sticker reward system and instructions in 6 languages

Sounding and Vibrating Alarm

Several Variable Alarms so your child doesn’t get used to a particular alarm sound. Strong Vibrating Alarm can be used with or without audible alarms. The alarm wakens and motivates your child to go to the bathroom to finish urinating.

Wearable Sensor

Wearable unit is small and easy-to-use. Alarm is attached to pajama top while the small sensor is clipped to underwear. Clip to OUTSIDE of underwear, not touching skin. (Sensor may detect sweat if against skin.)

Doctor Recommended

Designed by a Pediatric Urologist, the Wet-Stop3 bedwetting alarm is clinically proven to stop bedwetting in boys and girls, and deep sleepers in weeks without medication.

Safe and Certified

1-Year Manufacturer’s Warranty Against Defects. FDA registered, ISO 13485 certified, CE safety certified. Health Canada Registered.


  • 6 different alarms
  • New sensors coming soon that will only sense moisture on 1 side to prevent the false alarms
  • New attachment clip
  • Battery compartment has a snugger fit to hold the batteries in
  • LED button- Flashes with alarm
  • 2-Step turn off process
  • Easy to dry
  • Easy to attach sensor
  • Lightweight and compact

Tips for Success

Dr. Preston Smith demonstrates the use of the Wet-Stop 3+ bedwetting alarm and its advanced features and gives tips for making the most of your alarm. Your child can successfully overcome bedwetting (without medication!) with the Wet-Stop 3+ alarm and your help.

Save yourself work

Bambi Sheet Protector

Rather than changing sheets late at night, sheet protectors protect sheets from getting wet and allow you to quickly change the wet protector out, without having to remake the bed.



Manufacturer's Specifications

Sensor Wearable
Alarm Method Flashing LED, Vibration and/or Alarm
Manufacturer's Warranty 1 Year
Manufacturer Potty MD

How to Order - More Information

Sleep Solutions is registered as a provider with the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

Customer Reviews
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Review by Verified Review
Works well but doesn't stay attached
I have been using this for my 6 year old daughter. It works well for her, alarm is very fast and doesn't scare her with the vibration only function.
The only problem is keeping it attached. The clip does not keep it secured and it moves around causing it to fall off.
I have to tape it to her pj's every night. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Great Product Highly Recommend
I love this product. I have used it successfully with 2 children. The options for vibration or sound are great. We always start with just a vibration as both sound and vibration can be a bit of a scary wake up at the start. Once they get used to the vibrations they start sleeping through the alarm and that’s when I can then add the sound. I love that my kids can wear pull ups over the top of underwear which means no sheet changing. I wish they had kept the older style magnetic clip to attach the device to the pj’s as it was much easier and more secure. I find the new clip pulls off the pajamas easily and the device sits funny and pulls on the pyjamas. Still highly recommend this product. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Game changer!
Genuinely shocked that this device worked literally from night 1 of use.

Our daughter is the heaviest sleeper and struggled with bed wetting despite being day potty trained very early at 2. The alarm worked instantly, not sure if it was a mental thing, but the motivation and star chart also assisted.

Would highly recommend and no need to pay hundreds of dollars for similar devices! Did not even need to pay for our of pocket specialist appointments. This works a treat and we have it on the vibrate setting now. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Wet stop has helped
The wet stop has been helpful for our son. It’s not fool proof and has missed a few wees but overall it’s been positive. It’s really brought an awareness to his urinating in his sleep and because of this he’s waking up more to go to the toilet. It’s been about 3 weeks now and there’s definitely been an improvement. Glad we tried it. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Working well after nearly 3 weeks
My 7 YO started will this product & after 5 nights she wet the bed with alarm going off, since then it has been over 2 weeks with no bed wetting & she has woken up herself on some occasions. This has worked well so far as she is a heavy sleeper. (Posted on )
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