Pillowsonic Bluetooth Under Pillow Speaker with Volume Control

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  • Listen to crystal clear sounds without disturbing your partner or others in the household.
  • Place the pillow speaker inside your pillow case or under your pillow and plug them into your MP3 player, iPod, or radio.
  • Awaken gently without disturbing others nearby by connecting you Pillowsonic stereo pillow speaker to your clock radio.
  • Bluetooth receiver for wireless capability

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Pillowsonic Bluetooth Under Pillow Speaker with Volume Control

Put a Pillowsonic Stereo Pillow Speaker under your pillow tonight!

Listen to crystal clear sounds without disturbing your partner or others in the household on your Pillowsonic stereo pillow speaker. Pillowsonic is the ideal bedtime audio accessory for people of all ages, delivering your music and sounds of choice with excellent quality, providing the world's most comfortable bedtime audio experience.


Pillowsonic Bluetooth Under Pillow Speaker with Volume Control

The perfect audio accessory for your pillow!

The two low-profile micro speakers inside the foam housing are positioned to allow stereo/ binaural and 3-D soundtracks appreciated with total clarity when resting on your back.

Pillowsonic volume can be regulated so that sound can softly surrund you when laying on your back as it emerges from within your pillow, or be set low enough to deliver just a touch of sound -- clearly discernible -- at intimate level, virtually imperceptible by anyone else resting next to you, or in the same room.

Private listening without headphones or earbugs

Aside from total comfort in bedtime audio (and unlike headsets), Pillowsonic allows the user to remain aware of (at times critical) ambient sounds, like a triggered alarm, a knock at the door or a phone calling, intruders, or a call for help from someone else in another room.

Pillowsonic Bluetooth Under Pillow Speaker with Volume Control Pillowsonic Bluetooth Under Pillow Speaker with Volume Control
Pillowsonic Lifestyle Image

Much more comfortable bedtime audio experience

You will not know that anything is under your pillow, except for the sound that caresses your senses while relaxing and lulling you into slumber.

Specifications / Inclusions

  • A digital, slim stereo speaker set, in a soft foam housing (11.5"x4"x7/8")
  • 18" Connector audio cable
  • Inline volume control
  • 6-foot audio cable extension
  • Plush satin drawstring bag
  • Bluetooth Receiver
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Includes a Micro USB Cable (AC adapter not included)
Pillowsonic Lifestyle Image

New Bluetooth Controller

With the new Bluetooth Controller, it can additionally stream soundtracks wirelessly from any Bluetooth compatible device (smartphone, laptop, etc.), from a distance of up to 30 ft. The Controller also includes:

  • Built in Digital Player
  • 1GB memory card (easily storing 100+ sound tracks and upgradeable to up to 8GB).
  • Preloaded with a 2+hr playlist of sounds and music for relaxation.

This means that you can enjoy your Pillowsonic with the playlist stored in its internal memory, without having to necessarily use the Bluetooth mode to start listening, should you prefer.

Pillowsonic Lifestyle Image

Among other functions, the Pillowsonic Controller also offers

Pillowsonic Bluetooth V2
Pillowsonic Bluetooth V2
Pillowsonic Bluetooth V2
Pillowsonic Bluetooth V2
  • Sleep mode, with auto volume reduction and auto shut-off after 30 minutes when activated to save battery charge.
  • Built-in 500mA Battery (1.5 Hr full charge / 6+ Hrs. playtime)
  • Additional 3.5mm port to simultaneously connect a second Pillowsonic, should you like to share your experience with your bed partner.
  • 3.5mm port for headphones
  • 3.5mm port for auxiliary external sound source
  • USB C-Type port for battery charging and access to memory card to edit your soundtrack programming
  • Other controls include Volume +/-, Previous & Next Track, and Pause/Play control.


Soothing for all ages

Soothing for all ages

Neonatal units are attesting that "Musical Medicine" has proven helpful for a faster recovery of premature and young babies.

Stress & Anxiety Relief

Stress & Anxiety Relief

Music can have a profound effect on both the emotions and the body. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day. Music is effective for relaxation and stress management.

Insomnia, learning

Insomnia, learning

The music-sleep connection has been supported in studies all over the world. It works in young people and elderly men and women. Music even helps people with schizophrenia get some shut-eye.

Pain, Tinnitus, and more

Pain, Tinnitus, and more

Music has the power to soothe, inspire, energize, and uplift. Research shows it can also help manage pain in people who are living with chronic pain. Music therapy for pain management is offered by many pain clinics and cancer centers, and help many people find solace and relief.

Pillowsonic Bluetooth Technical Specifications

Dimensions 5.8 x 1.3 x 1.5 cm
Power Input DC5V2A
Play Time 6 hours
Charge Time 1.5 hours
Bluetooth Reach 10m / 11 yards


  • Turn off your music source and remove the stereo cable just prior to sleep and avoid wrapping cable around neck to prevent strangulation.
  • Not suitable for children under 10 years of age.

Pillow Speaker Volume Levels

Pillow Speakers by design only have a limited volume range. This is so they don't disturb your partner sleeping next to you and due to the proximity to your ears when lying on your pillow. Note that when using a memory foam or latex pillow the density of the pillows will greatly reduce the volume of the pillow speaker.

We recommend using an amplified pillow speaker if using a latex or memory foam pillow. As everyone's hearing ability is different pillow speakers may not work well for all people.

About Pillowsonic

Pillowsonic Logo

We created Pillowsonic with the purpose of helping individuals of all ages improve their quality of life. Presently, our product is partially manufactured and fully assembled in the U.S., and it's been rated by accredited audiologists and other healthcare professionals as the best overall pillow speaker of it's kind in the market, for design, quality and performance.

Pillowsonic Logo

Manufacturer's Specifications

Speaker Type Wireless
Manufacturer Pillow Phonic
Customer Reviews
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Review by Verified Review
Excellent product. Does everything it say’s it does. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Great product - love it.... I sleep so much better now.
I have Tinnitus and the ringing in my head prior to sleeping was so annoying. I use this product to muffle this sound and I always fall asleep quickly now.
I use an APP called ReSound Tinnitus Relief which you can set on a timer so it stops playing when you want. I set for one hour and so far I have not been awake to notice its gone off. I don't believe I could be without this product now. My partner has told me he never hears it inside my pillow case so that's a bonus. Totally recommend for any body who not only has Tinnitus but just likes to listen to something soft prior to sleeping. Thumbs up 100% (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Does the job
Great product (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Could be better
THE GOOD: sound quality, relatively flat, well protected in foam sleeve that doesn’t move beneath pillow, handy volume control, Bluetooth connection good as device can be used untethered.
THE BAD: Battery life is short only lasts a few hours, needs charging daily, volume level could be a bit higher especially when using a thick memory foam pillow, Bluetooth device not charging correctly, waiting for replacement Bluetooth device. Cannot connect device by wire directly to a standard 3.5mm headphone jack as connector is smaller. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
This is so good
This is so good. I love it. Thank you. (Posted on )
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FM-15 BT V2