Light Blue Anti Snoring Chin Strap

  • The anti snoring chin strap is designed to reduce snoring
  • Trains users to breathe through their nose while holding the jaw in place
  • Prevents dry Mouth
  • Soft, comfortable and flexible to fit your head
  • Suits people with Small to Medium size heads

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Light Blue Anti Snoring Chin Strap

The anti snoring chin strap is a simple and effective device for managing snoring and dry mouth problems. The flexible fabric is designed to create the right amount of tension while still fitting the head comfortably.

How it works:

The strap holds the jaw together which reduces the relaxation of the jaw muscle and soft tissue at the back of the mouth which commonly causes snoring. This allows the airway to remain unobstructed which helps provide a less interrupted sleep.

It also provides relief for those who have issues with dry mouth due to sleeping with their mouth open.

The strap is latex free and is designed to be comfortable on skin.

How to fit:

  1. Hold the Chin strap so that the end with the two black elastic strips are facing up and the solid chin side is hanging down below your hands.
  2. Place your chin in the soft chin piece while holding the elastic straps above your face.
  3. While your chin is still held in the soft chin piece, pull the two elastic straps over your head so that one is below your ears and the other sits on the top of your head.
  4. Once in this position adjust the position of the straps to ensure comfort and tension.


  • Suits people with small to medium size heads

How to Order - More Information

Sleep Solutions is registered as a provider with the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

Customer Reviews
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Review by Verified Review
Love it
My husband loves his light blue chin strap but un happy they have been out of stock for quite some time - keen to know where supplier is to contact them directly if available
Thanks (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Too uncomfortable.
Too tight and not adjustable. Works as advertised, but Unable to keep wearing it. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Still snored
Still snored nothing seems to work I've spent so much on these sorts of things (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Too tight. Needs to be more flexible or adjustable. It is now in landfill. I don't need to be bombarded with requests to review a product! I have gone back to my original chin strap. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Fits okay
Difficult to get used to. Had three goes and on the third night slept, but not without waking several times. Next day under my chin itched for ages. And as I sleep alone, not even sure if it works. I bought it for the times I go to music camp sharing a dormitory.
Sleep Soutions - keep persisting - it takes time to adjust to sleeping with a chin strap and also time for it to begin training you to breathe through your nose rather than your mouth (Posted on )
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