Guided Meditation CD

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The Guided Meditation CD will let the soothing Theta waves calm your nervous system and quiet your mind.

  • Generate nourishing states of well-being
  • Obtain clarity and insight
  • Experience theta meditation
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Brain Sync Guided Meditation CD

Brain Sync Guided Meditation CD Cover Art

Just slip on your headphones and let soothing Theta waves calm your nervous system and quiet your mind.

The Brain Sync Guided Meditation CD uses Theta binaural beats and brainwave entrainment, this best-selling Brain Sync classic has helped hundreds of thousands of people to explore and experience meditation.

You are guided to create an inner sanctuary, a place where you can go to regenerate the very core of your self. Your body begins to relax as your mind transcends daily clutter.

Negative thoughts are dramatically swept away by brilliant flashes of insight and understanding. You may feel as though you are gliding on beams of light as your soul soars to the highest ethers of universal knowledge and creativity.

More benefits

  • Generate nourishing states of well-being
  • Obtain clarity and insight
  • Experience theta meditation
  • Feelings of wholeness and well-being
  • Oneness with the cosmos
  • Timelessness
  • Vivid imagery
  • Higher creativity
  • Greater clarity of thought
  • Enhanced ability to concentrate
  • More peaceful states of mind
Brain Sync Guided Meditation CD Cover Art

Manufacturer's Specifications

Use Jet Lag
Artist Kelly Howell
Format CD
Length 60 minutes
Track 1 Meditation Music + Theta Waves + Guided Imagery
Track 2 Meditation Music + Theta Waves
Manufacturer Brain Sync

How to Order - More Information

Sleep Solutions is registered as a provider with the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

Customer Reviews
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Review by Verified Review
Very little guidance
Could be more instructive. (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
Very Relaxing
I bought this for my mother she puts it on and it relaxes her she falls asleep (Posted on )
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