ergoCocoon Organic Spring-Autumn Baby Swaddle and Sleeping Bag 1 Tog

From: $36.95
RRP $39.95

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  • Perfect for Autumn/Spring
  • Poppers in arm slots - use as a swaddle then transition into sleeping bag
  • 2 way zipper for easy access to nappy and seat belt placement
ErgoCocoon Organic Autumn/Spring Baby Swaddle and Sleep Bag ErgoCocoon Organic Autumn/Spring Baby Swaddle and Sleep Bag

ErgoCocoon Organic Autumn/Spring Baby Swaddle and Sleep Bag 1Tog

ErgoCocoon Organic Autumn/Spring Baby Swaddle and Sleep Bag

At last a product that makes swaddling a baby easy!

The innovative Ergo Cocoon is made from stretch organic cotton to allow your baby to feel snug and secure, while still allowing your baby to move their hands into a more comfortable position without them waking up. It helps babies sleep longer and better!

Organic Cotton

Organic Cotton

Organic Cotton

Officially hip friendly

Officially hip friendly

Officially hip friendly

Bell shaped bottom

Bell shaped bottom

Bell shaped bottom

2-way zipper for easy nappy (diaper) change

2-way zipper for easy nappy (diaper) change

2-way zipper for easy nappy (diaper) change

Poppers in the armholes to help you transition your baby to arms free

Poppers in the armholes to help you transition your baby to arms free

Poppers in the armholes to help you transition your baby to arms free

Tog rated for warmth

Tog rated for warmth

Tog rated for warmth

ErgoCocoon Organic Autumn/Spring Baby Swaddle and Sleep Bag

For babies that have difficulty settling, wrapping can be a useful method to help them to get to sleep and stay asleep. Wrapping has been shown to reduce crying time and waking episodes. The ErgoCocoon comes with pop open fasteners in the arms for an easy transition to a sleeping bag when your baby is ready to go to sleep. It gives you the option of having your baby's arms tucked in or free. When your baby is ready converts into a sleeping bag - by simply opening the poppers in the arms.


  • Arms can be tucked in or out
  • Super stretch organic cotton - helps baby feel snug and secure
  • 2 way zipper for easy access to nappy and seat belt placement
  • Poppers in arm slots - use as a swaddle then transition into sleeping bag
  • Soft fabric zipper cover
  • No Chemicals, pesticides - eco friendly

TOG rated - 1.0 TOG is designed for year round comfort when temperatures in your child’s room are between 21C° - 24C° (68-75F). With a TOG rated swaddle, you don’t need any additional blankets.

Wrapping infants and sleeping them on their backs has been shown in scientific studies to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Sleeping bags also help prevent injury from legs hanging out of cot rails.

Makes a great new baby gift!

Feel snug

Baby feels snug and secure

Easy transition

Easy transition to sleeping with arms out - start with one arm out

Converts to Sleeping bag

When baby is ready converts into a sleeping bag

Easy Access

Easy access to nappies

Convinient Flap

Convienient flap for use in car seat

Convinient Flap

Convienient flap for use in car seat

Ergo Cocoon Sizing

  • 0-3 Months - fits up to 7kgs (length of swaddle - 60cm)
  • 3-12 Months - fits up to 7-12kgs (length of swaddle - 80cm)


  • 1 Tog - Perfect for Spring or Autumn - it has an outer layer of stretchy organic cotton and an inner layer of soft terry cotton for extra warmth.

Fire Hazard Labeling:

As this product is made from organic cotton and bamboo and is not treated with chemical fire retardants the following fire label applies.

FIRE HAZARD LABEL according to AS/NZS 1249:2014:

Fire Hazard Label

Manufacturer's Specifications

Warmth 1 Tog - Spring/Autumn
Colour White, Grey, Blue, Pink, Blush Leaf or Navy Paint
Temperature Range Autumn/Spring (21°C-24°C)
Customer Reviews
4 out of 5 stars
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Review by Verified Review
Fantastic product and service by the team. If I had one issue it would be that the 1 tog does not feel as roomy as the 0.2 tog. I wonder if that's due to the warmer lining. My daughter has hip dysplasia and I like that they are wider towards the bottom. I would like to see them even wider at the bottom to allow that natural 'frog' position, and some adjustment to the piece of fabric over the zip as sometimes the end of the zip flips over and pokes her in the chin. In saying all that this is the only type of swaddle my daughter will sleep in so wouldn't buy any other type! I just think with some fine tuning they could be amazing! (Posted on )
Review by Verified Review
This product is great as it gives you the option of hands in or out of the bag.
(Posted on )
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